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Would you like to book me for a presentation? Please take a look at my speaking topics.
“Genealogy Research Strategies.” Speaker, Genealogy Conference, Town & Country Public Library, June 18, 2022.
“Recording Oral Histories.” Speaker, Wilmette Public Library, April 6, 2022.
“Recording Oral Histories.” Speaker, Town & Country Public Library, February 16, 2022.
“Whose Wikipedia? Embedded Library Instruction in an Undergraduate Art History Course to Address Representation and the Content Gap.” Poster, American Library Association Virtual Conference 2020, June 24-26, 2020.
“Heavy metals: Providing neutral information to a community rocked by scandal.” Speaker, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Annual Conference 2019, June 19, 2019.
“Curiosity Highly Gratified: An Illustrated Lecture on the Most Interesting History of Itinerant Glassworkers.” Keynote speaker, Antique Glass Salt & Sugar Shaker Club 2019 Annual Convention, June 1, 2019.
“Recent Library Acquisitions: Notice! For Preserving the Eyes.” Speaker, Docent Lecture Series, The Corning Museum of Glass, February 21, 2019.

“Curiosity Highly Gratified: An Illustrated Lecture on the Most Interesting History of Itinerant Glassworkers.” Organizer and speaker, Behind the Glass: The Grand Bohemian Troupe of Fancy Glass Workers, The Corning Museum of Glass, January 10, 2019.
“The Case of the Glass Eye Smuggler,” Speaker, Docent Lecture Series, The Corning Museum of Glass, December 20, 2018.
“The Rakow Library: People, Collections, Connections.” Speaker, Fall Fellows Meeting, The Corning Museum of Glass, October 18, 2018.
“Connecting with Primary Sources at the Rakow Library.” Speaker, Primary Partners webinar series, South Central Regional Library Council, February 13, 2018.
“The Wonderful Mechanisms of Fancy Glass Blowers.” Speaker, Docent Lecture Series, The Corning Museum of Glass, January 11, 2018.

“You Established a Social Media Presence, What’s Next?” Chair, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference Spring Meeting, April 2017.
“For the Curious: Exploring the Rakow Library’s New Exhibition.” Speaker, Docent Lecture Series, The Corning Museum of Glass, April and May 2017.
“Curious and Curiouser: Surprising Finds from the Rakow Library.” Speaker, Evening for Educators, The Corning Museum of Glass, March 2017.
“Gathering a crowd: A look at glassmaking demonstrations of the past.” Speaker, Glass Art Society Annual Conference 2016, June 11, 2016.
“Conserving the Whitefriars Cartoon Collection.” Speaker, ARLIS/NA Upstate NY Fall Meeting, September 25, 2015.

“Paper Trails: Ephemera in the Rakow Research Library.” Speaker, Carder Steuben Symposium, September 18, 2015.
“The Library-Museum Connection.” Speaker, American Library Association Annual Conference 2015, June 27, 2015.
“Connecting with audiences through outreach.” Speaker, New York State Library Assistants’ Association Annual Conference 2015, June 19, 2015.
“Wikipedia and libraries: How we can get involved.” Speaker, New York State Library Assistants’ Association Annual Conference 2015, June 18, 2015.
“Beyond Books: Exploring Ephemera in the Rakow Research Library.” Speaker, American Cut Glass Association Brilliant Weekend, April 24, 2015.

“Wikipedia: Getting Involved and Increasing Discoverability.” Moderator, Mid-Atlantic Regional Archives Conference Fall Meeting, October 18, 2014.
“Research and Collections at the Rakow Research Library.” Speaker, American Cut Glass Association Brilliant Weekend, April 4, 2014.
“Listening to Voices from the past: An adventure in the AIP archives.” Poster session, iSchool Experiential Learning Expo 2012, University of Maryland, December 5, 2012.
“‘What will he do to the darkness of this our age’: A study of post-Roman/Anglo-Saxon historiography.” Speaker, Celebration of Learning, Augustana College, May 7, 2011.
“Ben Jonson’s printed plays: The relationship between Jonson and his readers.” Speaker, Medieval and Renaissance Studies senior project, Augustana College, May 2011.

Histories of Modern and Contemporary Art (semester-long Wikipedia project), co-organizer and speaker, Sarah Lawrence College, January – May 2020.
Corning Art+Feminism edit-a-thon, organizer and speaker, Corning Museum of Glass, March 10, 2019.
Corning Art+Feminism edit-a-thon, organizer and speaker, Corning Museum of Glass, March 10, 2018.
“Getting Started on Wikipedia.” Teen Tech Club, co-organizer and speaker, Southeast Steuben County Library, March 18, 2016.
Art+Feminism museum staff edit-a-thon, organizer, Corning Museum of Glass, March 3, 2016.
WikiMondays, co-organizer and speaker, Southeast Steuben County Library, Winter 2015 – Spring 2016 (monthly).
Contemporary Glass Art edit-a-thon, organizer and speaker, Corning Museum of Glass, November 12, 2015.
“Wikipedia and Libraries: How we can get involved.” Speaker, NYSLAA Annual Conference 2015, June 18, 2015.
Southern Tier history edit-a-thon, organizer and speaker, Corning Museum of Glass, December 5, 2014.
Instruction and Programming
Genealogy and bibliographic instruction and programming, Wisconsin Historical Society, 2024 – present
Genealogy and local history instruction and programming, Ela Area Public Library, 2021 – 2024
Bibliographic instruction, programming, and library tours, Rakow Research Library, The Corning Museum of Glass, 2013 – 2019
Primary source instruction for undergraduates, University of Maryland Special Collections, 2012-2013